Find MND Biomarker

Welcome to FindMNDBiomarker, an integrative database that consolidates the proteomic findings in brain tissue and biofluids (CSF and blood) from patients with motor neuron disease (also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). FightMNDBiomarker is designed for users to quickly assess whether their proteins of interest have been identified in other cohorts and biosamples from patients with MND/ALS.

Purpose: The goal of this search platform is to facilitate the comparison and discovery of proteins that may serve as promising and reproducible biofluid biomarkers of brain-specific changes in MND/ALS and to identify markers that should be further targeted for analyses and validation.

Using this database: Searches can be performed by entering the protein UniProt IDs, names and sample types into the relevant search term box using free text entry. For example, entering ‘NEFL’ will generate a list of all publications in which NEFL was identified to be significantly dysregulated.

A searchable and filterable table is provided with the following columns:

  • Name: Gene name corresponding to the UniProt ID
  • UniProt ID: UniProt accession number
  • Publication: Study Reference
  • Condition: e.g.ALS – Control, ALS Fast – ALS Slow
  • Sample Type: Sample type used (Abbreviations: SMNs, single motor neurons; AH, anterior horn; PH, posterior horn)
  • Regulation: Direction of change (upregulated or downregulated)
  • Cohorts: Cohort size used for each study
  • Average age at onset ± standard deviation/age range: Average age at onset of ALS cohorts with standard deviation or age range (if provided by publication)
  • Average age at collection ± standard deviation/age range: Average age at collection of ALS cohorts with standard deviation or age range (if provided by publication)
  • Average PMI (range) (hours): Average postmortem interval with range (if provided by tissue studies)

To cite this database: Further details and application of this search tool are described in our manuscript “title” that can be located with this DOI: _____

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Total Records Found: 2896, showing 100 per page
Biomarker NameUniProt IDPublicationConditionSample TypeRegulationCohortsAverage age at onsetAverage age at collectionAverage PMI
ZSCAN5B A6NJL1 Collins et al. 2015 ALS – Control CSF Up 90 ALS, 80 control
ZNF354A O60765 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Down 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
ZFHX2 Q9C0A1 Collins et al. 2015 ALS – Control CSF Up 90 ALS, 80 control
ZC3H4 M0QY97 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS PBMCs Up 12 BO-ALS, 12 LO-ALS (39-76) (BO-ALS), (33-81) (LO-ALS)
YWHAZ P63104 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
YWHAZ P63104 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Up 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
YWHAZ P63104 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
YWHAZ P63104 Filareti et al. 2017 Late ALS – Early ALS PBMCs Up 4 Early-ALS, 4 Late-ALS 50 ± 5 (Early-ALS), 80 ± 4 (Late-ALS)
YWHAQ P27348 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Down 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
YWHAQ P27348 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Up 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
YWHAH Q04917 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Down 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
YWHAH Q04917 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
YWHAH Q04917 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
YWHAG P61981 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
YWHAE P62258 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
YWHAE P62258 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
YWHAB P31946 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
YWHAB P31946 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Up 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
YOD1 Q5VVQ6 Oeckl et al. 2020 ALS – Control Spinal cord Down 8 ALS, 7 control 59 (52-61) 36 (24-90)
YIPF3 Q9GZM5 Collins et al. 2015 ALS – Control CSF Up 90 ALS, 80 control
YARS1 P54577 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Up 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
XXYLT1 Q8NBI6 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
XPOT F8WDU6 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
XIRP1 Q702N8 Collins et al. 2015 ALS – Control CSF Down 90 ALS, 80 control
WWC2 Q6AWC2 Collins et al. 2015 ALS – Control CSF Up 90 ALS, 80 control
WSCD1 Q658N2 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
WFDC2 Q14508 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
WDR77 Q9BQA1 Englen-Lee et al. 2017 ALS – Control Spinal cord (PH & AH) Up 10 ALS, 10 control 57.6 ± 10.9 62.6 ± 10.6
WDR63 Q8IWG1 Collins et al. 2015 ALS – Control CSF Up 90 ALS, 80 control
WDR41 Q9HAD4 Oeckl et al. 2020 ALS – Control Spinal cord Down 8 ALS, 7 control 59 (52-61) 36 (24-90)
WDR37 Q9Y2I8 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
WDR13 A0A087X091 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Up 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
WDR1 O75083 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
WDR1 O75083 Filareti et al. 2017 Late ALS – Early ALS PBMCs Up 4 Early-ALS, 4 Late-ALS 50 ± 5 (Early-ALS), 80 ± 4 (Late-ALS)
WDFY4 Q6ZS81 Zhou et al. 2023 SO-ALS – Control CSF Up 4 BO-ALS, 5 SO-ALS, 5 control 63.25 ± 8.02 (BO-ALS), 51.2 ± 6.26 (SO-ALS) 64.25 ± 8.02 (BO-ALS), 52 ± 6.44 (SO-ALS)
WBP2 Q969T9 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
WASF1 Q92558 Oeckl et al. 2020 ALS – Control Spinal cord Down 8 ALS, 7 control 59 (52-61) 36 (24-90)
WARS1 P23381 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
VWF P04275 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
VWC2 Q2TAL6 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
VWA1 Q6PCB0 Zhou et al. 2023 BO-ALS – Control CSF Up 4 BO-ALS, 5 SO-ALS, 5 control 63.25 ± 8.02 (BO-ALS), 51.2 ± 6.26 (SO-ALS) 64.25 ± 8.02 (BO-ALS), 52 ± 6.44 (SO-ALS)
VTN P04004 Vu et al. 2023 ALS fast – ALS slow CSF Up 6 ALS-fast, 5 ALS-slow 54.3 (ALS-fast), 43.4 (ALS-slow) 55.3 (ALS-fast), 52.2 (ALS-slow)
VTN P04004 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
VSNL1 P62760 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
VSIG4 Q9Y279 Collins et al. 2015 ALS – Control CSF Up 90 ALS, 80 control
VSIG4 Q9Y279 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
VPS4A Q9UN37 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
VPS35 Q96QK1 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
VPS26A O75436 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Up 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
VPS25 K7ENE3 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Down 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
VPRBP Q9Y4B6 Collins et al. 2015 ALS – Control CSF Up 90 ALS, 80 control
VIM P08670 Oeckl et al. 2020 ALS – Control Spinal cord Up 8 ALS, 7 control 59 (52-61) 36 (24-90)
VIM P08670 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Up 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
VGF Q9Y5U8 Vu et al. 2023 ALS fast – ALS slow CSF Down 6 ALS-fast, 5 ALS-slow 54.3 (ALS-fast), 43.4 (ALS-slow) 55.3 (ALS-fast), 52.2 (ALS-slow)
VDAC3 Q9Y277 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Up 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
VDAC2 P45880 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
VDAC2 A0A0A0MR02 Zubiri et al. 2018 ALS fast – ALS slow (early stage) Plasma Up 8 ALS-fast, 6 ALS-slow 61.3 (48-67) (ALS-fast), 58.1 (35-71) (ALS-slow)
VCP P55072 Zubiri et al. 2018 Late ALS – Early ALS (ALS slow cohort) Plasma Down 8 ALS-fast, 6 ALS-slow 61.3 (48-67) (ALS-fast), 58.1 (35-71) (ALS-slow)
VCP P55072 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
VCP P55072 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Up 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
VCL P18206 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Up 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
VCL P18206 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Up 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
VCL P18206 Filareti et al. 2017 Late ALS – Early ALS PBMCs Up 4 Early-ALS, 4 Late-ALS 50 ± 5 (Early-ALS), 80 ± 4 (Late-ALS)
VCL P18206 Oeckl et al. 2020 gALS – Control CSF Up 14 gALS, 16 control 54 (52-69) 62 (53-75)
VCL P18206 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
VCAN P13611 Hayashi et al. 2020 ALS – Control CSF exosome-enriched fractions Up 3 ALS, 3 control 74.3
VCAM1 E9PDD2 Vassileff et al. 2020 ALS – Control Motor Cortex EVs Down 7 ALS, 3 control
VAV1 P15498 Oeckl et al. 2020 ALS – Control Spinal cord Up 8 ALS, 7 control 59 (52-61) 36 (24-90)
VAT1L Q9HCJ6 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Down 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
VAT1 Q99536 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
VASN Q6EMK4 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
VAPB O95292 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
VAPB O95292 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Down 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
VAPA Q9P0L0 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
VAPA Q9P0L0 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Down 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
VAPA Q9P0L0 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Up 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
VAMP2 P63027 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
USP5 P45974 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
USP14 P54578 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Up 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
USO1 O60763 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
UROD P06132 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Up 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
UQCRH P07919 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Down 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
UQCRFS1 P47985 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Up 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
UQCRFS1 P47985 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Up 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
UQCRC2 P22695 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
UQCRC1 P31930 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Down 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
UQCRB P14927 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
UQCRB P14927 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Down 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
UQCR11 O14957 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Up 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
UQCR10 Q9UDW1 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Up 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
UMPS P11172 Filareti et al. 2017 Late ALS – Early ALS PBMCs Down 4 Early-ALS, 4 Late-ALS 50 ± 5 (Early-ALS), 80 ± 4 (Late-ALS)
UGGT1 Q9NYU2 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
UFL1 O94874 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
UCHL1 P09936 Oeckl et al. 2020 ALS – Control CSF Up 26 ALS, 16 control
UCHL1 P09936 Oeckl et al. 2020 sALS – Control CSF Up 12 ALS, 16 control 66 (57-68) 67 (58-74)
UCHL1 P09936 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
UCHL1 P09936 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Down 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
UCHL1 P09936 Oh et al. 2023 ALS – Control CSF Up 20 ALS, 20 control 59
UCHL1 P09936 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
UCHL1 P09936 Oeckl et al. 2020 gALS – Control CSF Up 14 gALS, 16 control 54 (52-69) 62 (53-75)