Find MND Biomarker

Welcome to FindMNDBiomarker, an integrative database that consolidates the proteomic findings in brain tissue and biofluids (CSF and blood) from patients with motor neuron disease (also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). FightMNDBiomarker is designed for users to quickly assess whether their proteins of interest have been identified in other cohorts and biosamples from patients with MND/ALS.

Purpose: The goal of this search platform is to facilitate the comparison and discovery of proteins that may serve as promising and reproducible biofluid biomarkers of brain-specific changes in MND/ALS and to identify markers that should be further targeted for analyses and validation.

Using this database: Searches can be performed by entering the protein UniProt IDs, names and sample types into the relevant search term box using free text entry. For example, entering ‘NEFL’ will generate a list of all publications in which NEFL was identified to be significantly dysregulated.

A searchable and filterable table is provided with the following columns:

  • Name: Gene name corresponding to the UniProt ID
  • UniProt ID: UniProt accession number
  • Publication: Study Reference
  • Condition: e.g.ALS – Control, ALS Fast – ALS Slow
  • Sample Type: Sample type used (Abbreviations: SMNs, single motor neurons; AH, anterior horn; PH, posterior horn)
  • Regulation: Direction of change (upregulated or downregulated)
  • Cohorts: Cohort size used for each study
  • Average age at onset ± standard deviation/age range: Average age at onset of ALS cohorts with standard deviation or age range (if provided by publication)
  • Average age at collection ± standard deviation/age range: Average age at collection of ALS cohorts with standard deviation or age range (if provided by publication)
  • Average PMI (range) (hours): Average postmortem interval with range (if provided by tissue studies)

To cite this database: Further details and application of this search tool are described in our manuscript “title” that can be located with this DOI: _____

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Total Records Found: 2896, showing 100 per page
Biomarker NameUniProt IDPublicationConditionSample TypeRegulationCohortsAverage age at onsetAverage age at collectionAverage PMI
EGF P01133 Berrone et al. 2023 fALS – Control Plasma Up 8 fALS, 8 control 62 ± 13 (sALS & fALS) 64 ± 11 (sALS & fALS)
EFNA1 P20827 Zhou et al. 2023 BO-ALS – Control CSF Up 4 BO-ALS, 5 SO-ALS, 5 control 63.25 ± 8.02 (BO-ALS), 51.2 ± 6.26 (SO-ALS) 64.25 ± 8.02 (BO-ALS), 52 ± 6.44 (SO-ALS)
EFNA1 P20827 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
EFHD2 Q96C19 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Up 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
EFEMP2 O95967 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
EFEMP1 Q12805 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
EFEMP1 Q12805 Katzeff et al. 2020 ALS – Control Serum Down 28 ALS, 22 control 52.7
EEF2 P13639 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
EEF1G P26641 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
EEF1G P26641 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
EEF1E1 H0YAL7 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Up 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
EEF1D P29692 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
EEF1A2 Q05639 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Down 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
EEF1A2 Q05639 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Up 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
EEF1A1 P68104 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Down 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
EEF1A1 P68104 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
ECI2 O75521 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Down 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
ECHS1 P30084 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
ECE1 P42892 Oeckl et al. 2020 ALS – Control Spinal cord Up 8 ALS, 7 control 59 (52-61) 36 (24-90)
DYNLRB2 Q8TF09 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
DYNLL2 Q96FJ2 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Down 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
DYNLL2 Q96FJ2 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
DYNLL1 P63167 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Down 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
DYNC1LI1 Q9Y6G9 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Down 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
DYNC1I2 Q13409 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
DYNC1I2 Q13409 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
DYNC1I1 O14576 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Down 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
DYNC1I1 O14576 Vassileff et al. 2020 ALS – Control Motor Cortex EVs Up 7 ALS, 3 control
DTD1 Q8TEA8 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Down 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
DSTN F6RFD5 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
DSTN P60981 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
DST E7ERU0 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
DSP P15924 Oeckl et al. 2020 sALS – Control CSF Up 12 ALS, 16 control 66 (57-68) 67 (58-74)
DSC2 Q02487 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
DSC2 Q02487 Collins et al. 2015 ALS – Control CSF Down 90 ALS, 80 control
DSC1 Q08554 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
DPYSL5 Q9BPU6 Oeckl et al. 2020 ALS – Control Spinal cord Down 8 ALS, 7 control 59 (52-61) 36 (24-90)
DPYSL5 Q9BPU6 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Up 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
DPYSL4 O14531 Collins et al. 2015 ALS – Control CSF Up 90 ALS, 80 control
DPYSL3 Q14195 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
DPYSL2 Q16555 Zubiri et al. 2018 Late ALS – Early ALS (ALS fast cohort) Plasma Up 8 ALS-fast, 6 ALS-slow 61.3 (48-67) (ALS-fast), 58.1 (35-71) (ALS-slow)
DPP6 P42658 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
DPP3 Q9NY33 Englen-Lee et al. 2017 ALS – Control Spinal cord (PH & AH) Up 10 ALS, 10 control 57.6 ± 10.9 62.6 ± 10.6
DPP10 Q8N608 Oeckl et al. 2020 sALS – Control CSF Up 12 ALS, 16 control 66 (57-68) 67 (58-74)
DPM3 Q9P2X0 Oeckl et al. 2020 ALS – Control Spinal cord Up 8 ALS, 7 control 59 (52-61) 36 (24-90)
DPEP2 Q9H4A9 Oeckl et al. 2020 ALS – Control CSF Up 26 ALS, 16 control
DPEP2 Q9H4A9 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
DPEP2 Q9H4A9 Oeckl et al. 2020 sALS – Control CSF Up 12 ALS, 16 control 66 (57-68) 67 (58-74)
DPEP2 Q9H4A9 Oeckl et al. 2020 gALS – Control CSF Up 14 gALS, 16 control 54 (52-69) 62 (53-75)
DNM3 Q9UQ16 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
DNM2 P50570 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Up 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
DNM2 P50570 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Down 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
DNM1L O00429 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
DNER Q8NFT8 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
DNER Q8NFT8 Collins et al. 2015 ALS – Control CSF Down 90 ALS, 80 control
DNASE1L1 P49184 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
DNAJB2 P25686 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
DNAJB1 P25685 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Up 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
DNAJB1 P25685 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
DNAJB1 P25685 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Up 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
DNAJA3 Q96EY1 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Up 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
DNAJA2 O60884 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Up 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
DNAH7 Q8WXX0 Collins et al. 2015 ALS – Control CSF Up 90 ALS, 80 control
DLST P36957 Zubiri et al. 2018 ALS fast – ALS slow (early stage) Plasma Up 8 ALS-fast, 6 ALS-slow 61.3 (48-67) (ALS-fast), 58.1 (35-71) (ALS-slow)
DLRB1 Q9NP97 Berrone et al. 2023 fALS – Control Plasma Up 8 fALS, 8 control 62 ± 13 (sALS & fALS) 64 ± 11 (sALS & fALS)
DLGAP1 O14490 Collins et al. 2015 ALS – Control CSF Up 90 ALS, 80 control
DLG5 Q8TDM6 Collins et al. 2015 ALS – Control CSF Down 90 ALS, 80 control
DLG1 Q12959 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Up 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
DLG1 Q12959 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Up 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
DLD P09622 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
DLD P09622 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
DLD P09622 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
DLAT P10515 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Up 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
DKK4 Q9UBT3 Berrone et al. 2023 ALS – Control Plasma Up 16 ALS, 8 control 62 ± 13 (sALS & fALS) 64 ± 11 (sALS & fALS)
DKK4 Q9UBT3 Berrone et al. 2023 sALS – Control Plasma Up 8 sALS, 8 control 62 ± 13 (sALS & fALS) 64 ± 11 (sALS & fALS)
DKK3 Q9UBP4 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
DKK1 O94907 Berrone et al. 2023 ALS – Control Plasma Up 16 ALS, 8 control 62 ± 13 (sALS & fALS) 64 ± 11 (sALS & fALS)
DKK1 O94907 Berrone et al. 2023 sALS – Control Plasma Up 8 sALS, 8 control 62 ± 13 (sALS & fALS) 64 ± 11 (sALS & fALS)
DKFZp566H1924 Q9UFM8 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Down 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
DIRAS2 Q96HU8 Oeckl et al. 2020 ALS – Control Spinal cord Down 8 ALS, 7 control 59 (52-61) 36 (24-90)
DIRAS1 O95057 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Up 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
DHX9 Q08211 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Down 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
DHX30 H7BXY3 Vassileff et al. 2020 ALS – Control Motor Cortex EVs Up 7 ALS, 3 control
DEFA3 P59666 Oeckl et al. 2020 gALS – Control CSF Up 14 gALS, 16 control 54 (52-69) 62 (53-75)
DEFA3 P59666 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Up 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
DECR1 E5RFV2 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Up 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
DDX3X O00571 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
DDX19A F6QDS0 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Up 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8
DDX17 Q92841 Zubiri et al. 2018 Late ALS – Early ALS (ALS fast cohort) Plasma Down 8 ALS-fast, 6 ALS-slow 61.3 (48-67) (ALS-fast), 58.1 (35-71) (ALS-slow)
DDR2 Q16832 Berrone et al. 2023 fALS – Control Plasma Down 8 fALS, 8 control 62 ± 13 (sALS & fALS) 64 ± 11 (sALS & fALS)
DDHD1 Q8NEL9 Oeckl et al. 2020 ALS – Control Spinal cord Down 8 ALS, 7 control 59 (52-61) 36 (24-90)
DDB1 F5GY55 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
DDAH2 O95865 Guise et al. 2023 ALS – Control Spinal cord (SMNs) Down 3 ALS, 3 control 69.3 9.2
DDAH1 O94760 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
DCUN1D1 Q96GG9 Seyfried et al. 2018 ALS – Control Prefrontal cortex Up 8 ALS, 8 control 60 63.5 9.1
DCN P07585 Hayashi et al. 2020 ALS – Control CSF exosome-enriched fractions Down 3 ALS, 3 control 74.3
DCLK1 O15075 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Up 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
DCBLD2 Q96PD2 Barschke et al. 2020 C9-ALS – C9-Control CSF Down 16 C9-ALS, 11 asymptomatic C9-controls 60 (51-67)
DBT P11182 Leoni et al. 2019 BO-ALS – LO-ALS Plasma Down 14 BO-ALS, 16 LO-ALS (45-85) (BO-ALS), (40-76) (LO-ALS)
DBN1 Q16643 Iridoy et al. 2019 ALS – Control Spinal cord (AH) Down 9 ALS, 8 control 57.6 62.8